We have not had the best week. Last Sunday night we had our good friends, Susie, Jessie & their sweet baby girl, Claire over for dinner. That part was great, but before we even sat down to eat, Rowan was getting down from a kitchen chair (the way he always does, belly down, feet first) and just happened to bonk his brow bone just right. I could tell he hurt himself by how he was crying and after only crying for about a minute, I was able to check out the damage. He had a cut right under his left eyebrow and it was split. Not very much blood or anything, but one of those things where you aren’t sure how seriously to take it. We paged our doctor and when she called back, she asked us to email her a photo. Gotta love technology these days! She said that it might be best to get it checked out… especially for cosmetic reasons. So… we decided to head to Seattle Children’s urgent care in Bellevue. Poor little guy… thankfully it only required some glue and butterfly bandages. He keeps telling us, “ My owie! (pointing at his eye) Dok-ter, sticker!!” He got a sticker after they took care of his wound, and I guess that’s all he pretty much remembers which is good. The whole thing was much more traumatic for me. It was our first “ big injury” and I”m so glad it wasn’t worse.
Here’s a picture BEFORE we headed off to urgent care. Happy 30th Birthday Susie!The cut: not super gruesome, but you can see it split. It started to swell after this.
Such a brave boy!!
Giving his special sticker to sister the next morning. Such a sweet boy!
Then a couple days later Isla was fussy at night, which isn’t normal for her. The next morning she was really warm, and congested. She had a temp ranging from 99.5ish-100 the entire day. I was SOO scared. I’ve always heard/read that a baby under 3 months should NEVER get a fever. I know they have a lot of mandatory tests they do at the hospital for babies that age as well. I have no idea how the poor thing even got sick since the rest of us weren’t. We prayed and prayed all day long (a long with friends and fam we called), and the temp never got higher. Thank you Jesus!!! Of course we called our doctor too, and she said not to come in unless our thermometer reached 100.7. I was worried it might since fevers generally spike at night, but it never did. She’s been a bit stuffy and has had a little cough for the rest of the week but has been a trooper. Love my sweet girl so much. These pictures make me want to cry!
Looks like we’re on the mend now. Looking forward to a much more mellow week! :)
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