Okay… this was my attempt at being one of those glamorous Pinterest mom’s… and it didn’t work out very well. I came across the recipe for cornstarch paint. (one tablespoon cornstarch, one cup of water, one drop of food coloring- warm on stove and stir until corn starch dissolves). I even made it at 6:30 AM while Rowan ate breakfast, and Isla was happy on her own for a few minutes. I figured I’d leave it on the counter and we could make it our afternoon project. Well….it was like gelatin by mid day. I tried to salvage it with a little warm water but as you can see, it looks kind of watery and weird. Rowan still liked experimenting with it. Next time, I’ll make it right before we use it, and will use less cornstarch ( I totally used more than it called for!) :)
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Holding Hands
The other evening I was cleaning the kitchen after dinner and Russ was reading a book to the kiddos. I came into the room and saw this: Rowan is HOLDING Isla’s Hand. How sweet is that??!!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Ro’s “Pre-birthday” bash
Rowan will be 2 at the end of this month. More on that later… (tear!)
We celebrated early with my mom and Brian, and grandma because my mom and Brian leave this Friday for a 3 week cruise. I can tell you that Rowan definitely doesn’t mind that he has to blow out the candles twice. He totally remembered from my birthday and was quite excited. Love these pictures of my sweet, sweet boy!
My mom and Brian got him a little tool bench, complete with a whole slew of tools and a hard hat. He always sings “Bob-o!” (for Bob The Builder) when he puts the hat on. He’s having a lot of fun with it, and driving me crazy with his little electric drill at 5 AM.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Havin’ Fun!
Russ’ mom, “Nana” sent this fun car toy for Rowan about a year ago. I stashed it away for a bit until I thought it was something he would be ready for, and just recently brought it out. He loves it. It’s a little wooden ramp with tiny wooden cars. He claps for himself everytime the car makes it down the path.
My 28th Birthday
Well, I’m 28! Guess that means I’m in my late twenties now. So crazy! I swear I feel like I just had my 21st birthday, although a lot has happened since then. I can honestly say I feel like I’m in the best possible place, and I just love my little family SO much! No, I don’t think I have a perfect life by any means, I just feel overall that I’m pretty darn fortunate to be where I am today. However, I probably look about 48 in these pictures since I’ve been running on about 3 hours of total sleep a night. Oy…
On my actual birthday, Russ and I managed to go out to breakfast with both kids! We went to one of our favorite spots (just down the street, haha), the Sammamish Cafe. It actually went really well and we had a good time without any major meltdowns.
Family Photo! We’re doing it… we’re actually at a restaurant with two kids, haha!Rowan enjoying his blueberry pancakes. I swear he eats so much!! He must put it all into his height because the kid is TALL!
This is me telling Russ to smile. Instead he did this… goof!
Sweet little angel as usual. No crying here!
We spent the rest of the day just relaxing and spending time together. Russ got me a little red velvet cake and Rowan had a great time singing to me, and helping me blow out the candles. Russ got me a small point and shoot camera I wanted to keep in my diaper bag, and a new pair of cozy Ugg slippers. :)
The next day, my mom, Brian, and my grandma came over to celebrate. We had another cake, so by day 3 Rowan woke up and said “ Birday? Ice Crim?” haha, good thing he’s getting all of this practice in since it’s his birthday in about 11 days.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Isla is ONE month old!
Isla is already one month old (on Sept.5th)! I honestly can’t believe it! She is such a chill, relaxed baby and barely ever cries. I am SO thankful for this because I was really nervous about trying to manage two, especially with Rowan’s feisty personality. It’s so crazy how different babies can be. Rowan was definitely a fussy little guy, and cried pretty much whenever he was awake the first few months. She just kind of hangs out, and still sleeps most of the time, but is starting to have a little more alert time. She is a good little eater and starting to get some chunky little cheeks. She also has red hair but I feel like no one can ever see that in pictures! I was secretly hoping she’d have a little ginger in her hair, like her daddy! ;-) I don’t have any stats to post because we don’t have our next ‘well child’ visit until she’s 2 months old. We love our precious little girl!