Sunday, April 13, 2014

Seahawks, Valentine’s Day, and More!

Okay so I know I've said this before, but I have REALLY been neglecting this thing. The further away I get from updating, the more I think that maybe I should just stop posting. Honestly though, it’s a really great way for me to look back, almost like a journal. I’m so glad I kept it up during both pregnancies, etc.. SO… here’s my attempt to bring things up to speed. :)Some photos are from my phone (which you might have seen if you follow me on instagram) and some are from our “fancy” camera. :) Enjoy!

  It was SUCH a fun football season. I never really grew up around football, and either did Russ being from NZ. We ended up watching the games at my parent’s house and couldn’t help but get caught up in all of the excitement. Rowan especially! Everywhere we go he points out anything Seahawks related, and he pretty much begged us for a Seahawks tee shirt. Well, he wanted a jersey, but we told him we weren’t spending the $ on one for now. :) We got Isla’s little jersey/onesie as a hand-me-down which was great. There was just so much buzz in Seattle and it was amazing to be Super Bowl champs. Can’t wait for next season!

Our church got pretty into it too and even had face painting. It was Rowan’s first time having his face painted and he thought it was very cool. 20140202_121021  20140202_122356

Beast Mode!20140202_123324  20140202_122514 20140202_122849  Snuggles at Mor-Mor’s. Up late! :)20140202_174124 My cute mom making yummy treats to go alongside the game. 20140202_174415 Champagne toast to celebrate!20140202_184356Random phone photos:

Hanging out with my girl while Ro is at school20140206_110054 Matching hair with her doll20140207_072735 Puzzles with Mor Mor20140207_142949 Bird watching20140212_133627  Climbing at a church play area. So fun!20140214_091706  20140214_092324Making Norwegian Svele heart waffles at Mor Mor’s20140215_150545 20140215_151255Shopping at Whole Foods20140224_122836Hanging out on the new area rug20140224_135409

My new “nerd” glasses. Russ loves them! I do too, but they take some getting used to. My mom doesn’t understand why i’d want to wear these, lol!IMG_153470133570451

Valentine’s Day:

Russ and I chose to have our Valentines' Day date at Chace’s Pancake Corral in Bellevue for breakfast. We love breakfast, and just casual dates where we can drink coffee and talk kid-free. It was perfect for us. It’s also been 5 years since we got engaged! Can’t believe how fast it’s gone. 20140215_115825 This is what happens when I try and get him to take a serious picture. I was so annoyed! haha Also why I love him though.20140215_105950Valentine’s Day was SO fun for Rowan this year. He had a party in his classroom. I ordered these cute little crayons shaped like lego bricks/lego mini figures and put them in a bag with these little cards that say “You make my life colorful.” He was SO proud to bring them to school. They decorated bags with stickers and crayons and passed out their cards. When he got home he wanted to spend a long time showing me each one. I remember LOVING that as a kid. One of my favorite school days. 20140210_194327 20140210_194354We even picked out this shirt for him to wear for his class party. “ Love at first slice.” This kid is Seriously into the ninja turtles.


Rowan let Isla have one of his lollipops. her first one!DSC_0001-001 DSC_0006-001    Trying to sneak a taste. :)DSC_0025-001

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