Friday, March 22, 2013

Homemade Playdough

DSC_0073It is so cheap and easy to make homemade playdough! I whip up a new batch every few weeks or so when it starts to get grainy, and store it in a sealed tupperware container. Rowan likes to pick what color I use, and I try and find fun new things for him to use with the playdough, like cookie cutters or a rolling pin.
A few of you have asked me for my playdough recipe, so here it is:
Playdough recipe

½ cup of flour
½ cup of dyed water
¼ cup of salt
½ tbsp cream of tartar
½ tbsp cooking oil

*Combine all ingredients in a pan over medium to low heat. Dough will stick to the sides and begin to form a ball. Allow to cool and knead.

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