Wednesday, May 23, 2012


April 2012

Marmite is a New Zealand thing. It’s a thick, dark, yeast spread that Russ can’t get enough of. You can find small jars of it at World Market, for a ridiculous price, but other than that, it’s no where to be found. So.. that means he always requests it if we have NZ visitors, or packages in the mail.

I have to admit… I REALLY don’t like it. I always pride myself in being such an adventurous eater. There’s seriously not much I don’t like, so I was excited to try it. I had some on toast, and literally had to spit it out! It’s just really strong, and salty, and ick…..

So, I thought FOR SURE Rowan wouldn’t like it! Boy was I wrong.. he LOVES it!! Guess it shows that he really is half “kiwi”

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome. Marmite was made famous (to me at least) by the Men at Work song "Down Under". I don't know that I've ever known anyone whose actually ingested it!! Super cool. Cute kid too!! :)
