Monday, August 29, 2011

11 Months Old!


Taking these monthly photos has progressively gotten harder. QUITE the task to get him to stay in one spot for more than 2 seconds.. this was as close as I could get to an actual smile. hehe

Rowan is growing up! Ahhh..only 1 more month until he’s a year old. CAN’T believe it!

I wouldn’t normally know how much he weighs since he doesn’t have an actual “weigh-in” until next month but we went to the doctor (again!) because I thought maybe this little guy had an ear infection since he wakes up screaming 10 times a night. Again, he’s healthy as a horse, lol. Of course I’m glad he’s so healthy but this whole teething thing? Not sure I’ll survive it…

So..I asked our doctor while we were there if we could just do a quick weight check with his clothes on. He came in at about 21 lbs. Only about 1 lb bigger than he was at 9 months. I asked her if we should be worried but she said he is right on track, and staying on the same growth curve but that because he’s so active, he’s just thinning out a bit.

Rowan has gone from walking, to practically running. He now knows how to climb up on top of the couch which means I literally can’t take my eye off of him for a second. He walks around babbling with his hands in the air (imitating me??!) and pointing, pointing, pointing. He’s still only saying Dada..except for sometimes when he’s really upset and starts whining “mama.” He eats anything, and everything we give him and absolutely loves his daddy. Can’t wait to see what’s next!

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