Wednesday, May 25, 2011

First Time on a Swing

A couple weeks ago, Ro and I met up with Val, her kids Lauren & Ben, and Courtney & one of her little son’s Hudson at the park. I used to teach with them at Smith and it was fun to catch up with them. The weather wasn’t too great but I thought I’d try and put Rowan in a swing for the first time. He loved it!



Lauren was a great helper, pushing him. :)2011-05-10_10.28.10

Hopefully we’ll have plenty more playdates at the park this summer, sans coats!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Syttende Mai

Rowan had his first Syttende Mai (17th of May- Norwegian Independence Day) celebration. There is a huge parade in Ballard every year and Norskie’s from all over come to take part in music, food, and fun!

I’ve gone since I was a little girl, so it’s fun to carry on the tradition. The parade doesn’t start until 6 PM which is around Ro’s bedtime but he did really well.

Sportin’ his Norwegian Flag OnesieDSCN2377IMG_2730IMG_2733IMG_2746IMG_2757

Just chillin in the ErgoIMG_2775Rowan loved all of the musicIMG_2794IMG_2803We met up with my dadIMG_2856

Norwegian Pride!!!DSCN2395